How to Prepare for PACES
Dr Atef El Dean conquered PACES this summer scoring an impressive 165/172. Here are his tips for how to prepare for P...
In this Pastest blog post, you’ll find our collation of the best revision resources out there to help you pass MRCP PACES with flying colours.
The complete guide to taking and passing the MRCP PACES exam, including online resources and format.
Now that the start date for the new exam format has been confirmed, we are pleased to announce the launch of our brand new PACES 2023 online resource!
Reflections on the 2023/1 MRCP PACES exam, including advice from candidates and expert opinion from Pastest.
Find out about the proposed changes to the MRCP 2 PACES examination and how Pastest are updating their resource to match it.
Find out how Sarah Foot, a previous Pastest user, prepared for MRCP PACES during the pandemic.
How should you prepare for the ever-difficult PACES exam? Dr Jez Hunter passed PACES only a few weeks ago - here are his top 5 tips for exam success.
We’ve been busy working to ensure we’re up-to-date with the revised PACES 2020 exam format.
Dr Ahmed Ayuna passed PACES this summer and scored full marks in the Integrated Clinical Assessment (Station 5). Here's how he prepared, along w...
Dr Atef El Dean outlines 8 key points to follow before and during your PACES exam that will help you to focus and achieve a successful outcome.
Dr Gavin Brittain, Specialty Registrar in Neurology at the Royal Hallamshire Hospital in Sheffield and MRCP Medical Advisor for Pastest presents 10...
When preparing for PACES it's important to see as many patients as possible, so here's a sample 'Breaking Bad News' scenario to give you extra prac...