Since the announcement that MRCP(UK) are planning to reconfigure the format of the MRCP 2 PACES exam, we have been actively monitoring developments and working on updates of our own.
We made this a top priority since the proposed changes were ratified by the GMC; and worked to update our resource to be aligned with the new Stations and timings.
Due to the disruption caused by COVID-19, these changes are now to be rolled out from 2023/3.
Watch our short video explaining the changes:
PACES 2023: Exam Format Changes
The new format is:
Station 1
Communication (10 mins)
Respiratory (10 mins)
Station 2
Clinical Consultation (20 mins)
Station 3
Cardiovascular (10 mins)
Neurology (10 mins)
Station 4
Communication (10 mins)
Abdominal (10 mins)
Station 5
Clinical Consultation (20 mins)
What else is going to change?
1. History Taking will be integrated into a clinical encounter, rather than being tested in isolation
2. Communication encounters (now integrated into Stations 1 and 4) will no longer feature an interaction with the examiner
3. Marks will be spread more evenly across the Carousel of Stations
Keeping our finger on the pulse
Our innovative online platform has been helping candidates from all over the world pass the MRCP 2 PACES since 2009. More recently, we have taken the resource to another level, with over 125 new gold-standard patient examinations filmed in HD, clinical case images and sounds, roleplay material and spot diagnosis. Feedback from customers has been exceptional and plans are already in place to roll out more features and functionality in 2019.
Part of our preparation for PACES 2023 has included lengthy and regular consultation with our medical advisors and engagement with candidates who have participated in this summer's trials of the new format. Based on their feedback, the updated Carousel is expected to be more realistic, with the increased timings per Station affording candidates more time to examine the patient and present their findings.
The proposed changes felt very sensible and more based on what actually happens on a ward.
I much prefer the new timings per Station as you feel less rushed and have more time to consider your diagnosis.
The proposed changes clearly spell good news for candidates and may help to calm the nerves brought about by examining patients under timed conditions. Stay tuned for more updates on PACES 2023!