Pass your next MRCS exam
Available with 3, 6, or 12 months of access.
- Largest bank of MRCS Part A questions on the market.
- Tailored past papers reflecting the most recent themes.
- Comprehensive coverage of over 500 topics.
- Video course coming soon...
Available with 3, 6, or 12 months of access.
- Over 200 exam-focused stations, featuring anatomy images, illustrations, and expert-led videos.
- Downloadable role-play PDFs and detailed station summaries with learning points, communication tips, and scenarios for thorough preparation.
- Mobile-friendly, searchable station browser for efficient and flexible revision on any device.
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About the MRCS Part A exam
What is the MRCS Part A?
The Member of the Royal College of Surgeons (MRCS) Part A is the first of two intercollegiate MRCS exams run by Colleges of Surgeons in Great Britain and Ireland. Earning a Diploma of Membership of the Royal College of Surgeons proves a candidates enhanced capabilities and clinical competence. The Multi-Specialty Recruitment Assessment (MSRA) has recently been introduced to shortlist CST applicants. For ST3, MRCS (Part A & B) must be completed by the time of offers.
MRCS Part A Exam Format
The MRCS Part A exam is 5 hours long and consists of two papers, both taken on the same day. Paper 1 (applied basic sciences) consists of 180 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) and lasts for 3 hours. Paper 2 (principles of surgery in general) consists of 120 MCQs and lasts for 2 hours. The full MRCS syllabus for both MRCS exams can be found on the Royal College of Surgeons website.
MRCS SyllabusMRCS Part A Revision
In order to effectively undertake MRCS Part A revision we recommend practicing high quality MRCS Part A questions. Our resource contains over 4300 exam-style questions covering all the specialties found in the MRCS Part A syllabus.
MRCS Part A Exam Sittings
In the UK and Ireland, there are three exam sittings or 'diets'. Exam dates vary between the UK and Ireland exams, and International exams. For a full list of MRCS Part A dates visit the Royal College of Surgeons website.
DatesAbout the MRCS Part B OSCE exam
What is the MRCS Part B OSCE?
Member of the Royal College of Surgeons (MRCS) Part B is the second of two intercollegiate MRCS exams run by the Royal College of Surgeons in Great Britain and Ireland. The MRCS examination determines whether a trainee has acquired the appropriate skills, knowledge and attributes to progress to higher specialist training in surgery. The MRCS Part B is an objective structured clinical exam (OSCE) and tests anatomy and surgical pathology, applied surgical science and critical care, clinical and procedural skills and communication skills.
MRCS Part B Exam Format
The MRCS Part B OSCE consists of 18 examination stations, each 9 minutes’ duration and ‘manned’ by one or two examiners. The MRCS Part B stations are divided into 4 broad content areas (BCAs) grouped together and collectively known as 'Applied Knowledge' and 'Applied Skills'. 'Applied Knowledge' (8 stations = 160 marks) includes: Anatomy and surgical pathology (5 stations) and Applied surgical science and critical care (3 stations). 'Applied Skills' (10 stations = 200 marks) includes: Clinical and Procedural Skills (6 stations) and Communication skills (4 stations) which breaks down further into Giving and receiving information and History Taking.
MRCS Part B Revision
Although Part B is a clinical examination, theoretical knowledge is still being tested. The Pastest resource seamlessly integrates the station experience into one resource for MRCS Part B preparation. Each station contains MRCS Part B questions and additional resources such as anatomy videos, images, exam scenarios, and station summaries, all designed to prepare you for the four BCAs. Read our MRCS Part B blog for more information about why we updated our MRCS Part B Qbank to more closely reflect the real exam.
MRCS Part B Exam Sittings
In the UK and Ireland, there are three exam sittings or 'diets'. MRCS Part B exam dates vary between UK and Ireland exams, and International exams. For a full list of MRCS Part B OSCE dates, and to book the exam, see the Royal College of Surgeons website.