Pass your next MRCS exam

With a little help from Pastest

Part A

Available with 3, 6, or 12 months of access.

  • Largest bank of MRCS Part A questions on the market.
  • Tailored past papers reflecting the most recent themes.
  • Comprehensive coverage of over 500 topics.
  • Video course coming soon...



Available with 3, 6, or 12 months of access.

  • Over 200 exam-focused stations, featuring anatomy images, illustrations, and expert-led videos.
  • Downloadable role-play PDFs and detailed station summaries with learning points, communication tips, and scenarios for thorough preparation.
  • Mobile-friendly, searchable station browser for efficient and flexible revision on any device.

Your Ultimate Exam Preparation Toolkit

Tailored to suit your study style, these tools ensure an interactive, effective, and on-the-go learning experience.

Question Bank

Simulate the most recent exams for MRCS Part A with Past Papers compiled using our expert knowledge. This is a valuable tool to familiarise yourself with the latest exam format and content.
Written Exam Preparation

Multimedia Resources

Whether you prefer video tutorials or other insightful multimedia resources, you can strengthen your MRCS Part B skills with a variety of dynamic tools tailored to your individual learning preferences.
Clinical Exam Preparation

Mobile App

This latest app release is packed out with exam-format questions, topic-based content, greater performance, enhanced usability and so much more! Download on iOS or Android today to get started.
Download on iOS

Membership of the Royal College of Surgeons is an intercollegiate exam for surgical trainees who wish to become a member of one of the four surgical royal colleges in the UK and Ireland. Award of this postgraduate diploma indicates that you have the necessary knowledge, experience and clinical competence to complete core training and progress to specialty training.

About the MRCS Part A exam

At Pastest we know all there is to know about the MRCS Part A exam - and how to help you pass!

What is the MRCS Part A?

The Member of the Royal College of Surgeons (MRCS) Part A is the first of two intercollegiate MRCS exams run by Colleges of Surgeons in Great Britain and Ireland. Earning a Diploma of Membership of the Royal College of Surgeons proves a candidates enhanced capabilities and clinical competence. The Multi-Specialty Recruitment Assessment (MSRA) has recently been introduced to shortlist CST applicants. For ST3, MRCS (Part A & B) must be completed by the time of offers.


MRCS Part A Exam Format

The MRCS Part A exam is 5 hours long and consists of two papers, both taken on the same day. Paper 1 (applied basic sciences) consists of 180 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) and lasts for 3 hours. Paper 2 (principles of surgery in general) consists of 120 MCQs and lasts for 2 hours. The full MRCS syllabus for both MRCS exams can be found on the Royal College of Surgeons website.

MRCS Syllabus

MRCS Part A Revision

In order to effectively undertake MRCS Part A revision we recommend practicing high quality MRCS Part A questions. Our resource contains over 4300 exam-style questions covering all the specialties found in the MRCS Part A syllabus.


MRCS Part A Exam Sittings

In the UK and Ireland, there are three exam sittings or 'diets'. Exam dates vary between the UK and Ireland exams, and International exams. For a full list of MRCS Part A dates visit the Royal College of Surgeons website.


About the MRCS Part B OSCE exam

At Pastest we know all there is to know about the MRCS Part B exam - and how to help you pass!

What is the MRCS Part B OSCE?

Member of the Royal College of Surgeons (MRCS) Part B is the second of two intercollegiate MRCS exams run by the Royal College of Surgeons in Great Britain and Ireland. The MRCS examination determines whether a trainee has acquired the appropriate skills, knowledge and attributes to progress to higher specialist training in surgery. The MRCS Part B is an objective structured clinical exam (OSCE) and tests anatomy and surgical pathology, applied surgical science and critical care, clinical and procedural skills and communication skills.


MRCS Part B Exam Format

The MRCS Part B OSCE consists of 18 examination stations, each 9 minutes’ duration and ‘manned’ by one or two examiners. The MRCS Part B stations are divided into 4 broad content areas (BCAs) grouped together and collectively known as 'Applied Knowledge' and 'Applied Skills'. 'Applied Knowledge' (8 stations = 160 marks) includes: Anatomy and surgical pathology (5 stations) and Applied surgical science and critical care (3 stations). 'Applied Skills' (10 stations = 200 marks) includes: Clinical and Procedural Skills (6 stations) and Communication skills (4 stations) which breaks down further into Giving and receiving information and History Taking.


MRCS Part B Revision

Although Part B is a clinical examination, theoretical knowledge is still being tested. The Pastest resource seamlessly integrates the station experience into one resource for MRCS Part B preparation. Each station contains MRCS Part B questions and additional resources such as anatomy videos, images, exam scenarios, and station summaries, all designed to prepare you for the four BCAs. Read our MRCS Part B blog for more information about why we updated our MRCS Part B Qbank to more closely reflect the real exam.


MRCS Part B Exam Sittings

In the UK and Ireland, there are three exam sittings or 'diets'. MRCS Part B exam dates vary between UK and Ireland exams, and International exams. For a full list of MRCS Part B OSCE dates, and to book the exam, see the Royal College of Surgeons website.


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