Empowering the doctors of today. And tomorrow

Our mission is to empower the doctors of today and tomorrow to become world-class medics through accurate, innovative and technologically driven test prep solutions.
For 50 years now — that's right, 50 years, half a century! — Pastest has been helping students and junior doctors pass their medical exams.
The year is 1972, and Pastest is officially open for business. Having just been founded by Freydis and Nigel Campbell
2 years later, and we've just delivered MRCP Part 1 Practice Papers, the first medical revision book in the UK to include medical explanations
Fast forward to 2005. And we've officially entered the digital world. As the MRCP Part 1 online question bank launches. But not after we've held our first face-to-face course at Bart's Hospital and published the first edition of the best-selling Essential Revision Notes for MRCP
In 2014, after 42 years of Stewardship, Freydis and Nigel decided it was time relax, and hand over the reigns. Choosing one of the two people they trusted the most, their son Hugh, to take over as Chairman of the board

And as for our future? Well. We don't want to spoil the surprise! But we hope the story of our past will help give you an idea of what we care about.
And in 2022, Pastest celebrated 50 years of serving the medical community! Still as dedicated today as we were 50 years ago when our founders set out on their mission.

What we do

We help students and trainee doctors pass their medical exams
We are a learning and revision tool
We want to empower doctors to realise their full potential
We provide the best product experience

Sound like something you'd like to be a part of?

We're based in the (not so sunny) south of Manchester, are in the office 2 days a week because we love a good flexible approach to working. And are always on the look out for people that care about helping doctors and NHS.