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Expanded Explanation
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- Overview
- Clinical Presentation
- Differential Diagnosis
- Diagnosis / Investigation
- Management
- Prognosis
Key facts
- An immune-mediated, chronic, multi-system inflammatory disease:
- primarily associated with hyperproliferation of keratinocytes in the epidermis
- often follows a relapsing/remitting course
- plaque psoriasis is the most common form (up to 90% of all psoriasis cases), associated with well-defined, red, disc-like plaques covered by white/silver scales
- commonly affected areas include the elbows, knees, back and scalp.
- Approximately 30% of patients have associated joint involvement.
- Treatment depends on severity, location of disease and the impact on the individual.
- Psoriasis occurs in 1-2% of the United Kingdom’s population.
- It affects both genders equally.
- It can occur at any age, with peak age ranges of 16-22 and 57-60 years old.
- It is uncommon in childhood.
- Aetiology is unknown but multiple genetic factions in combination with environmental factors are thought to be important.
- 30% of patients with psoriasis have an affected first-degree relative.
- If both parents are affected, the risk of a child developing psoriasis is 75%.
- There are several psoriasis-susceptibility gene loci (eg PSOR1) and genes involved in interleukin (IL)-23 signalling, modulation of T-helper (Th)-2 immune responses (IL-4, IL-13) and activated B-cell (NF-kB) signalling have been identified.
- The understanding of psoriasis has moved from one of a hyperkeratotic disorder of keratinocytes to a dysregulation of the immune system mediated by cytokines.
- Th-1, Th-17 and Th-22 cell populations are expanded and stimulated to release inflammatory cytokines, including IL-17, IL-22 and tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-a).
Clinical Presentation
- Chronic plaque (90% of cases):
- well-defined, red, disc-like plaques covered by white/silver scale, which classically affects extensor surfaces of elbows, knees; and the scalp.
Scalp psoriasis
Plaque psoriasis on the extensor surface of the elbow
Image Source:
Plaque psoriasis
Pustular (generalised pustular):
- sheets of small, sterile yellow pustules on a red background.
- This presentation may be accompanied by systemic symptoms and progression to erythroderma.
- confluent areas affecting most of the skin surface.
Nail involvement in psoriasis:
- onycholysis, pitting and subungual hyperkeratosis.
Image Source:
Pustular (palmoplantar pustulosis):
- yellow/brown sterile pustules and erythema on palms/soles
- strongly associated with smoking
- often seen in middle-aged women.
- an acute eruption of drop-like lesions, often following a streptococcal sore throat.
Image Source:
- affects axillae, sub-mammary areas and the natal cleft
- lesions are often smooth, red and glazed in appearance.
Exacerbating Factors:
- Trauma: Koebner phenomenon (development of disease in areas of trauma).
- Infection: for example, streptococci (guttate psoriasis).
- Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV): psoriasis is more common in patients with HIV; severity may dwindle in later stages.
- Endocrine: psoriasis tends to improve during pregnancy and deteriorate in post-partum period.
- Drugs: beta-blockers, lithium, antimalarial interferon, and withdrawal of oral steroids may exacerbate psoriasis.
- Alcohol
- Stress
- Smoking: smoking is associated with increased incidence and severity.
- Ultraviolet (UV) light: although most patients find UV light beneficial, a small number experience UV light associated flare-ups.
Differential Diagnosis
- Differential diagnoses for psoriasis include:
- Diagnosis is mainly clinical.
- Specialist advice should be sought if there is diagnostic uncertainty.
- The patient should then be assessed for:
- Offer support and information tailored to suit individual needs and circumstances so that they can confidently understand the following:
- their diagnosis and treatment options
- relevant lifestyle risk factors
- when and how to use prescribed treatments safely and effectively
- when and how to seek further general or specialist review
- strategies to deal with the impact of psoriasis on physical and social wellbeing.
- Refer for specialist advice if there is:
- diagnostic uncertainty
- severe or extensive psoriasis and/or acute guttate psoriasis
- generalised pustular psoriasis or erythroderma (needs same day specialist assessment and treatment)
- uncontrolled symptoms despite topical therapy
- the patient is a child or young person
- a major impact on the patients physical, social or psychological wellbeing.
First-line Treatment - Topical Therapy:
- Coal tar preparations:
- crude coal tar can be useful in thick plaque psoriasis.
- Dithranol:
- synthetic derivative of anthracene
- effective but needs accurate applications as it can burn the surrounding skin and stain clothing.
- Vitamin D analogues:
- calcipotriol cream/ointment
- calcipotriol with betamethasone.
- Taraztoene:
- a topical retinoid for plaque psoriasis.
- Topical steroids:
- used alone or in combination or with other topicals for face, genitalia, flexures, hands, feet, and scalp
- steroid strength may vary according to severity and body site.
Second-line Treatment:
- Offer phototherapy or non-biological systemic agents when:
- topical therapy alone is unlikely to control disease (eg > 10% body surface area (BSA) or nail disease), and
- disease has a significant impact on physical, psychological and/or social wellbeing, or
- there is significant functional impairment, or
- there are high levels of distress (including severe nail involvement, high-impact site of disease).
- Non-biologics may be indicated when phototherapy is ineffective; however, it cannot be used if there is a rapid relapse following phototherapy.
- Ultraviolet B-rays (UVB) narrowband – well established and effective.
- Psoralen and ultraviolet A radiation (PUVA) use necessitates the need for protective eyewear and is associated with an increased risk of skin cancers.
Non-biological systemic treatment
- Risk and/or benefits must be weighed up when considering prescribing the following:
- methotrexate is a first-line non-biological systemic treatment. It blocks DNA syntheses by inhibiting dihydrofolate reductase and is administered once-weekly either orally or by subcutaneous injection. Risks of anaemia/pancytopenia/nausea are reduced with folic acid supplementation. There is a risk of liver fibrosis with long-term use. The serological marker for fibrosis procollagen-3 N-terminal peptide (P3NP) should be measured 3-monthly
- ciclosporin is a first-line non-biological systemic treatment where rapid/short-term disease control is required, eg a flare/palmar pustulosis, or when conception is being considered. It inhibits T-lymphocyte transcription of IL-2. Side-effects of ciclosporin include renal toxicity and hypertension
- retinoids, for example, acitretin, used alone and/or in combination with UVB/PUVA, if methotrexate or ciclosporin is not appropriate or ineffective. Should be avoided in women with childbearing potential due to teratogenic affects. Mucocutaneous side-effects are common, triglyceride level elevation can occur and should be monitored.
Third-line Treatment - Biologic Agents:
- Biologics are considered for patients with severe disease. Strict eligibility criteria are in place, indications include:
- no response to standard first- and second-line treatments
- intolerance to other standard first- or second-line treatments
- other treatments contraindicated
- severe life-threatening disease
- for biological treatments, severity scores such as psoriasis area and severity (PASI) score and dermatology life quality index (DLQI) must be at least ten.
- Currently, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) approve biologic target TNF-α or the interleukin pathways:
- etanercept: human protein fusion of the TNF receptor that acts as a TNF-α inhibitor. Delivered via subcutaneous injection
- adalimumab: a human monoclonal antibody that binds to TNF-α. Delivered via subcutaneous injection
- infliximab: a chimeric monoclonal antibody that binds to TNF-α. Delivered via infusion
- ustekinumab: a human monoclonal antibody that targets IL-12 and IL-23. Delivered subcutaneously.
- Other biologics are currently under development.
- The condition often has a relapsing/remitting course and is associated with significant functional, psychological, and social morbidity for many patients.
- As a systemic condition, inflammatory processes involved are associated with the development of numerous co-morbidities as well as reduced life expectancy.
- Associations with psoriasis:
- major adverse cardiac events (MACE): studies show that psoriasis sufferers have a 53% increased incidence of MACE (myocardial infarction, stroke, cardiac death). Risk is also increased due to the strong association of the metabolic syndrome (hypertension, obesity, diabetes, dyslipidaemia) with psoriasis
- venous thromboembolism: especially with severe psoriasis
- arthropathy: psoriatic arthritis occurs in approximately 20% of patients with skin psoriasis. There are several different forms including distal interphalangeal joint disease, arthritis mutilans, sacroiliitis, psoriatic spondylitis
- gout: due to deposition of urate crystals
- malabsorption: due to associations with Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis
- lymphoma: approximately threefold increased incidence with psoriasis
- skin malignancy: non-melanoma type.
Other relevant information
Skin disorder |
Causes of nail changes associated with skin disorders |
Psoriasis |
Onycholysis, nail pitting, hyperkeratosis, pustule and occasional loss of nail |
Fungal |
Discoloration, onycholysis and thickening of the nail |
Bacterial |
Usually due to staphylococcal infections – pseudomonas infections give nails a green discolouration |
Lichen planus |
Nail changes occur in 10% of cases, with thinning of nail plate and longitudinal linear depressions – occasionally destruction of the nail (pterygium) |
Alopecia areata |
Pitting, thickening and ridging of the nail (sandpaper nail) are seen |
Dermatitis |
Coarse pits, cross-ridging and onycholysis may be seen |
- Causes of the Koebner phenomenon:
- psoriasis
- lichen planus
- vitiligo
- viral warts
- molluscum contagiosum.
- Causes of erythroderma:
- psoriasis
- eczema
- mycosis fungoides
- adverse drug reactions
- underlying malignancy
- pityriasis rubra pilaris.