5 TED Talks Every Medic Should Watch

TED Talks have become renowned for allowing experts, innovators and thought leaders from a variety of different careers and pathways, to share amazing anecdotes and insights from their remarkable careers, allowing people to create meaningful conversations and deeply impact the lives of others.

We wanted to curate a list of some of our favourite TED Talks we think could change the perspective of any healthcare professional, whether you’re a consultant, junior doctor, or med student.

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TED Talks medic

TED Talks have become renowned for allowing experts, innovators and thought leaders from a variety of different careers and pathways, to share amazing anecdotes and insights from their remarkable careers, allowing people to create meaningful conversations and deeply impact the lives of others.

We wanted to curate a list of some of our favourite TED Talks we think could change the perspective of any healthcare professional, whether you’re a consultant, junior doctor, or med student.

His and Hers...Healthcare: Dr Paula Johnson

Dr. Paula Johnson

Dr Paula Johnson, a cardiologist, and health advocate discusses the importance of considering gender differences in healthcare in this TED talk. Johnson highlights how traditional medical research and practice have often overlooked the unique health needs and experiences of women, resulting in disparities in diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes. She emphasises the need for a more personalised and inclusive approach to healthcare that considers the biological, social, and cultural factors that influence health outcomes for both men and women.

Johnson illustrates how gender biases in research and clinical practice have contributed to gaps in understanding. She calls for greater awareness and advocacy to ensure that healthcare systems are responsive to the diverse needs of all individuals, regardless of gender, raising awareness about the importance of gender-sensitive healthcare,


Doctors Make Mistakes, Can We Talk About That?: Dr Brian Goldman

Dr Brian Goldman

Dr Brian Goldman delivers a thought-provoking exploration into an often-overlooked aspect of healthcare: medical errors. Dr Goldman challenges the stigma surrounding mistakes in medicine and emphasizes the importance of open communication and transparency within the healthcare system to ensure effective patient care.

This serves as a crucial reminder for healthcare professionals to acknowledge and learn from their mistakes, ultimately leading to improved patient care and safety.


Doctors in Distress: How Do We Save the Lives of Those Who Save Lives?: Dr. Ed Ellison

Dr Ed Ellison

Dr. Ed Ellison, leader of one of the world’s largest groups of physicians, addresses the issue of physician burnout Dr. Ellison shares insights into the factors contributing to burnout in the medical field, including long hours, administrative burdens, and emotional fatigue. He emphasises the importance of acknowledging and addressing this distress, not only for the well-being of healthcare providers but also for the quality of patient care. Through personal anecdotes and professional experiences, Dr. Ellison highlights the profound impact that distress can have on physicians' mental health and overall job satisfaction. He calls for systemic changes in healthcare organisations to support the mental and emotional well-being of healthcare professionals.

If you’re a healthcare professional who has found themselves overloaded with stress and burden within the workplace, please read our blog, “7 Ways to Overcome and Prevent Burnout” to help manage these overwhelming feelings.


A Doctor's Touch: Dr. Abraham Verghese

Abraham Verghese

Dr Abraham Verghese explores the importance of physical examination in modern medicine. Dr. Verghese reflects on the evolving role of doctors and the potential loss of the traditional bedside manner due to advancements in medical technology. He emphasises the significance of the physical connection between doctors and patients, highlighting how touch can convey empathy, comfort, and understanding.

Dr Verghese conveys the impact that a doctor's touch can have on both patients and caregivers and his talk serves as a reminder of the value of human connection in healthcare.


What Really Matters at the End of Life: Dr B.J. Miller

Dr BJ Miller

Dr B.J. Miller, a palliative care physician, shares insights into death and dying based on his personal experiences and how his own near-death experiences shaped his views on end-of-life care. He emphasises the need for a holistic approach to end-of-life care, addressing not only physical needs but also their emotional and spiritual well-being.

Dr. Miller illustrates the profound impact of compassionate care and meaningful connections on individuals nearing the end of their lives. He advocates for a societal shift in how we view death, encouraging greater acceptance and openness to discussing this inevitable transition, and highlighting the importance of empathy and human connection.


The TED Talks we’ve shared offer valuable insights and perspectives that are essential for every healthcare professional. From discussions on empathy and communication to the importance of personalised care and addressing the presence of burnout in medicine, these talks cover various topics relevant to the healthcare field. By watching and reflecting on these talks, you can gain a fresh perspective, enhance your skills, and improve the quality of care they provide to patients.

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